6536 Kitsap Way
Bremerton, Washington 98312
Phone: (360) 373-3500
Email: volunteer@greatpeninsula.org
The Clear Creek Trail Team is a volunteer group celebrating 28 years of building and maintaining trail. This is a community trail was built on both private and public land with donations of money, material and labor. Thank you.
​Work parties, storm damage and slippery boardwalks may temporarily impede trail use. Here are the current projects:
Resurfacing trail on July 18th
A work party is scheduled to resurface the trail north of the Pedestrian Bridge on the west side of the creek. This is behind Ross Dress for Less. Volunteers are needed to move gravel from the parking lot to the trail. Start time is 0930 and is expected to take about 5 hours, depending on volunteer recruitment. Please detour.
North Valley boardwalk Update July 2021
The boardwalk near the beaver pond will be jacked up where it is sagging. This will be in-water work and requires an HPA from Fish and Wildlife. The work is scheduled for August. Another section further north will also be repaired in August. Please contact the Clear Creek Trail Team at volunteer@greatpeninsula.org if you would like to volunteer. Thanks!
North Wetlands Update July 2021
The county has developed a three phased project to connect the wetlands in this area called the Schold Farm. It'll be another 3 to 5 years before a master plan is developed. The current plan is for public outreach this summer.
North Dike Trail Closed
In the North Wetlands, the middle section of the North Dike Trail is fenced off to protect trail users from trail washouts due to a blocked culvert and the subsequent beaver activity. This section, on county owned property, is closed indefinitely until they decide how to fix it.
This pattern, Fishnet, is taken from a traditional Suquamish basket design